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Waxy corn has 4 major nutritional values, so try it today.

Company News
2019/08/05 13:33
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There are many types of corn, and the most eaten is sweet corn and waxy corn. These two tastes are completely different. Sweet corn is crispy and sweet

There are many types of corn, and the most eaten is sweet corn and waxy corn. These two tastes are completely different. Sweet corn is crispy and sweet, and the corn is sticky to the teeth. Corn contains a lot of dietary fiber, but for young children, corn is not easy to digest. Many people like to eat sweet corn, but they all say that corn is rich in nutrients, so what are the benefits of waxy corn? Do you know how to eat corn?

First, easy to digest

Waxy corn is easy to digest, and it has a laxative effect. Many people like to eat corn, but corn is not easy to digest. Therefore, when defecation is often found, there is no digested corn kernel. That is different from corn, which contains corn. A large amount of starch, which is called amylopectin. It tastes very fine and soft after cooking. It is also more likely to be chewed. Therefore, compared with ordinary corn, the human stomach has a high absorption rate for waxy corn. Many, for some people with poor bowel function and frequent constipation, if you like corn very much, you can choose to eat glutinous corn.

Second, vitamin E supplement

Waxy corn is rich in vitamin E, which can promote cell division, delay organ aging, and reduce cholesterol in blood vessels. Especially corn embryos are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which can effectively reduce the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. . It also reduces the viscosity of the blood and reduces the formation of blood clots. Effectively prevent high blood pressure, high blood fat, and obesity. Women eat more corn and have the effect of beauty and beauty.

Third, anti-cancer

Glutathione contained in waxy corn has good antioxidant properties, can remove free radicals in the human body, and then combines with carcinogens in the body and excreted through the intestines. Reduce the risk of cancer in people. Waxy corn is rich in anthocyanins, which can also eliminate free radicals and have a good anti-cancer effect.

Fourth, calcium supplementation

Waxy corn is rich in protein, vitamins and calcium, especially calcium is close to milk. Therefore, it can be used as a daily calcium supplement food.

Eating more corn is good for the body. And because the taste of waxy corn is very sweet, you can use corn as a staple food for breakfast and a glass of milk. A delicious and nutritious breakfast is ready. Of course, you can also use corn stewed pork ribs, the softness of corn and the delicious ribs of the ribs, the taste is better. You can also cook with corn, stir-fry with red soft robe, and children love it. It is said that the waxy corn also contains long-lived factors. Eating more corn can prevent the cells and organs in the body from aging prematurely, and thus will live longer.